Week plan for July 1–7
Acts 1–5
Young children
Memorize: "They ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ." Acts 5:42
Song of the Week: "We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet" (Hymn 19)
Doctrine: Jesus Christ leads His Church through prophets and apostles. Acts 1:1–11
Scripture story
Watch: The Apostles Lead the Church, New Testament Stories
Coloring page
Hold a picture of the Prophet and lead your children to a picture of Christ.
Sing this Prophets and Apostles Song, following along with actions.
Match the faces of the apostles with a game of Bingo.
Doctrine: Jesus Christ leads His Church through prophets and apostles. Acts 1:1–11
Scripture story
Read: Jesus Said to Share the Gospel, The Friend
Coloring page
Teach that the prophet speaks for Christ with this printable activity (Ctrl F "speaks").
Play Don't Eat Pete to practice the names of the apostles and prophets.
Sing a "Follow the Prophet" verse for President Nelson (written by Lynette Burke Hale):
Russell M. Nelson, gentle, kind and smart— That's why he became a doctor of the heart. Teaching faith in Jesus, as we seek and pray, He's still healing hearts, in another way.
Doctrine: Heavenly Father can bless others through me. Acts 3:1–10
Scripture story
Watch: Peter and John Heal a Man Crippled Since Birth, Bible Video
Coloring page
Color one of the activity pictures below.
Act out the story of Peter healing the crippled man.
Tell the scripture story using this interactive handout (Ctrl F "lame").
From a bag, pull out pictures that represent ways that we can bless and serve others: preparing and passing the sacrament, paying tithing, praying for other people, acts of service, missionary work, temple work, giving blessings (compiled by Simply Family Home Evening)
Doctrine: Heavenly Father can bless others through me. Acts 3:1–10
Scripture story
Watch: Peter Heals a Man, New Testament Stories
Coloring page
Draw the scripture story as a comic strip.
Whisper in a child's ear: "Heavenly Father wants to bless [family member]. What can you do to help?" Secretly accomplish it.
Using little people or other props, create situations where people are sad or need help. Have your child come up with a way to help them.
Doctrine: I can be honest. Acts 5:1–11
Scripture story
Tell the story of Ananias and Sapphira with the help of these illustrations.
Coloring page
Read this rebus together.
Use paper bag puppets to act out scenarios of honesty/dishonesty (scenarios provided in the link.)
Read the story Honest Morgan.
Doctrine: I can be honest. Acts 5:1–11
Scripture story
Act out the story of Ananias and Sapphira, dressing up or using printable masks.
Do a search and find.
Read Finders Keepers?
Use fake money to role-play honesty situations (shopping, tithing, finding money.)
Family History
Watch the videos Family History for the Whole Family and Hannah's View.
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