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Who Hath Ears to Hear, Let Him Hear

Writer's picture: TaliaTalia

Updated: Mar 24, 2019

Week plan for MARCH 18–24

Matthew 13; Luke 8; 13

Young children

Photo courtesy of Church of Jesus Christ Media Library

Memorize during the week: "He spake many things unto them in parables" (Matthew 13:3)

Song of the Week: The Church of Jesus Christ (CS 77)


Doctrine: I need to prepare to learn the teachings of Jesus. Matthew 13:1–23

Scripture story

Coloring page


  • Gather dirt, weeds, and rocks/gravel. Have your children separate them into different cups. Then demonstrate the Parable of the Sower with some dried beans or corn kernels tossed into each of the cups. Use a sock as a puppet to eat the beans that fell on the road, with the road being a black paper with chalk drawn pavement markings.

  • Match the different cups from the above activity with each section from the coloring page. Have your children make a heart shape with their hands while you explain the interpretation for each type of soil (given on the coloring page.) Then ask which type of heart Jesus wants them to have in order to learn His teachings. (Idea adapted from the Primary manual)

  • Plant jelly bean “seeds” in crushed chocolate cookie “dirt” cups to represent the good soil. Ask the children what we can do to help our seeds grow. Explain that having faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ is one way we help our testimony “seed” grow. (Idea adapted from the Primary manual)


Doctrine: I need to prepare to learn the teachings of Jesus. Matthew 13:1–23

Scripture story

Coloring page


  • Draw an outline of a bird, a thorny plant, rocks, and a flower. Supply your children with dried beans, lentils, corn kernels, and/or seeds to glue onto the pictures.

  • Show your children some gardening tools and then watch the video Parable of the Sower and the Seed.

  • Read Matthew 13:9, 15, and invite the children to point to different parts of their body when they hear them mentioned. How can we use these body parts to learn the teachings of Jesus? (Idea from the Primary manual) Then make this fun headband and glasses.


Doctrine: Heavenly Father wants me to choose the right. Matthew 13:24–30, 36–43, 47–48

Scripture story

Coloring page


  • Sort/point out weeds vs. good plants in your yard or in pictures (such as wild carrot vs. poison hemlock.) Tell your children that people who make wrong choices are like the weeds and people who choose the right are like the good plants. When we try to be good plants instead of weeds, the gardener--Heavenly Father--is happy.

  • Draw a happy face and a sad face on paper plates. Say that Heavenly Father is happy (hold up the smile) when we choose the right, and that He is sad (hold up the frown) when we make a wrong choice. Read off these choices and let your children pick the smile or the frown to hold up.

  • Help your children make their way through this maze to eternal life by making right choices.


Doctrine: Heavenly Father wants me to choose the right. Matthew 13:24–30, 36–43, 47–48

Scripture story

Coloring page


  • Tell of an experience when you chose the right and you felt that Heavenly Father was pleased with your choice. Read the story Courage and Clubs.

  • Play this CTR Bridge Game (move forward or backward depending on if the choice on the card was good or bad.)

  • Go through the gospel art kit and point to different scripture figures, asking your children if that person chose the right. (Did King Noah choose the right? No, he didn't listen to the prophet Abinadi. To choose the right you need to follow the prophet. Did Joseph Smith choose the right? Yes, when he had a question he prayed about it! Praying is choosing the right.)


Doctrine: My membership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is a treasure. Matthew 13:44–46

Scripture story

Coloring page


  • Show your children an item of personal value to you. Tell a few details about the item, such as how it is used, where you got it, or how long you have had it. Point out why it is important to you and how sad you would feel if it were lost, stolen, or broken. Explain that this item is one of your treasures. What is a treasure? (Something of great worth.) Explain that there is a treasure each of us can have that is worth more than any item we can own. This treasure cannot be bought with money, and it cannot break or be stolen. This treasure is so precious that many people are willing to give up everything they own to have it. Some are even willing to give up their lives for it. Tell the children that to find out what this great treasure is, they are going on a treasure hunt. Explain that you have hidden the treasure in the room (a paper decorated with jewels and the words "I belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints" or a printed version.) (Idea from here)

  • Watch a three minute science video, Where Do Pearls Come From? Show your children a picture of a picture of a pearl in an oyster and explain that a pearl is a valuable treasure.

  • Make your own oyster by folding a paper plate in half (here is a fancier version with paint and a pom pom if you prefer.) Tell your children to close their eyes while you put a picture of a gospel treasure (scroll down to find printable) inside the paper oyster. Rotate through all the provided gospel treasures. Share with each other what you each treasure about being members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Illustrate those things on the back of the printed gospel treasure papers.


Doctrine: My membership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is a treasure. Matthew 13:44–46

Scripture story

Coloring page


  • Ask your children to go find and bring to you their most treasured toy. Ask if they would trade it to be members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Sing the song of the week and have your children listen for blessings that come from being a member of the Church. Testify of the blessings you’ve experienced because of your membership in the Church. (Idea adapted from the Primary manual)

  • Tell the parable using a crayon resist method. Secretly draw elements of the parable (man searching, field, hidden treasure) with white crayon on white paper. Then gather your children around your blank paper and paint over it with watercolors to reveal each picture as you talk about it.

  • Hide coins or gemstones in a rice sensory bin. Tell your children to find them all and put them in a little treasure box (like a matchbox) and then to hide the box in the rice as did the man in the parable. You may even wish to host a pretend yard sale so your children can sell their belongings to buy the field with the hidden treasure.


  • Play Where in the World? Family History Game, to learn about your heritage with Carmen Sandiego style!

  • Review the parables learned this week by making a book about them. Either have each person make their own book of what they learned or have each contribute one page about their favorite parable.

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1 Comment

Robyn Mears Fish
Robyn Mears Fish
Mar 22, 2019

I am blown away at how amazing these are!!! We just found this last night and will be using these activities often!! Thank you for taking the time to put these together!!


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