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We Have Found the Messiah

Writer's picture: TaliaTalia

Week plan for JANUARY 21—27

Young children

Jehovah Creates the Earth (Jesus Christ Creates the Earth and the Heavens), by Walter Rane


Doctrine: Jesus lived with Heavenly Father before He was born.

Song: I Lived in Heaven

  • Decorate your couch like "heaven" by draping white bed sheets or sheer curtains over it. Have your children put on white clothing and go sit on the couch. Place a world globe (or a picture of the Earth) on the ground in front of the couch for your children to look at from up in "heaven." Sitting on the heaven couch, try the ASL actions for this song

Other songs of the week

  • All Things Bright and Beautiful

  • My Heavenly Father Loves Me

  • I Want to be a Missionary Now

  • We'll Bring the World His Truth

Scripture story

Memorize: "all things were made by [Jesus Christ]" (John 1:3)

  • Trace your children's hands on paper and fill in each finger with one of the words "all" "things" "were" "made" "by". Then glue a small picture of Christ to each paper next to the hand.

Coloring page


  • Cut and tape this fun Calvin & Hobbes Plan of Salvation printable up on your wall. Then have your children try to copy all of Calvin's poses. For younger children, don't worry about explaining judgement and the Kingdoms of Glory, focus mostly on how we all lived in heaven before we came to earth.

  • Sit on the grounds of a temple (or look at pictures of the inside and out) and talk about how in the temple we can feel like we did in heaven because it is the House of the Lord.


Doctrine: Jesus lived with Heavenly Father before He was born.

Song: I Lived in Heaven

  • Assign a phrase of the song to each of your children and have them draw a picture for it

  • Lay on your backs looking at the ceiling while singing.

Other songs of the week

  • All Things Bright and Beautiful

  • My Heavenly Father Loves Me

  • I Want to be a Missionary Now

  • We'll Bring the World His Truth

Scripture story

Memorize: "all things were made by [Jesus Christ]" (John 1:3)

  • Hide pictures of the Savior in the room. Tell your child that they must hunt for pictures of the Creator. Say "all things were made by..." and don't finish the phrase until a picture is found. Then let your child say "Jesus Christ!" Repeat until all pictures are discovered.

Coloring pages



Doctrine: Jesus created all things.

Song: All Things Bright and Beautiful

  • Make nature paintbrushes for painting in the air while dancing and singing. In snowy climates, go outside and draw in the snow with sticks while dancing and singing.

  • Sing Along

Other songs of the week

  • I Lived in Heaven

  • My Heavenly Father Loves Me

  • I Want to be a Missionary Now

  • We'll Bring the World His Truth

Scripture story

Memorize: "all things were made by [Jesus Christ]" (John 1:3)

  • Go on a nature walk together to collect anything that seems beautiful or special in your children's eyes. Then make a museum on your kitchen table of their discoveries. Cut paper into labels saying "made by Jesus Christ" to display above each piece of nature. Once the exhibit is complete, have the children dress up like adults and go visit the museum.

  • To elaborate on the museum idea, color a poster/banner with the scripture phrase as the name of the museum exhibit and display it above a baby gate (or other door mechanism). For entrance into the museum, your children must speak the password: "all things were made by [Jesus Christ]."

Coloring pages



Doctrine: Jesus created all things.

Song: My Heavenly Father Loves Me

Other songs of the week

  • I Lived in Heaven

  • All Things Bright and Beautiful

  • I Want to be a Missionary Now

  • We'll Bring the World His Truth

Scripture story

Memorize: "all things were made by [Jesus Christ]" (John 1:3)

  • Watch Our Earth, Our Home and every time you pause the video (or it buffers), say the scripture phrase together.

Coloring pages



Doctrine: I can invite others to come to Jesus Christ and learn of Him.

Song: I Want to Be a Missionary Now

  • Knock the rhythm on a door

Other songs of the week

  • I Lived in Heaven

  • All Things Bright and Beautiful

  • My Heavenly Father Loves Me

  • We'll Bring the World His Truth

Scripture story

  • Describe how John taught Andrew about Jesus, and tell how Andrew in turn taught Peter (see John 1:35–42) (from the Primary manual)

  • Do this dominoes object lesson with John, Andrew, and Peter as the examples. Set the dominoes up again with a modern example of kids sharing the gospel.

Memorize: "all things were made by [Jesus Christ]" (John 1:3)

  • Go around the house or yard saying the scripture phrase and touching one thing per word (i.e. touch a chair and say "all", then touch a fork and say "things", and so forth). Younger children will need help while older children can be challenged to touch every item in the room.

Coloring pages


  • Cut out these short missionary experiences (here and here). Hide them as bookmarks (sticking out at the top for younger children) in your children's books. Then have them hunt for the papers. As each one is found, role-play the situation.

  • Cookie object lesson

  • Play a memory game to match things children can do to be a missionary now with illustrations showing those things.

  • Story: Who Is Jesus?


Doctrine: I can invite others to come to Jesus Christ and learn of Him.

Song: We'll Bring the World His Truth (2nd verse and chorus)

  • Print out 20 copies of these stripling warriors and tape together, with the end pages each attached to a paper towel roll to make a scroll of the 2000 stripling warriors. After showing it to your children and briefly recounting the story, tell them, "We're going to join the Army of Helaman!" Gather any fake swords or armor you may have and march around the house singing. Talk about how brave the stripling warriors were and how we can be brave by sharing the gospel and inviting others to learn about Christ.

Other songs of the week

  • I Lived in Heaven

  • All Things Bright and Beautiful

  • My Heavenly Father Loves Me

  • I Want to be a Missionary Now

Scripture story

  • Share the story of Philip inviting Nathanael to “come and see” (John 1:43–51). Hide a picture of Jesus in a box, and invite one child to “come and see” it and then tell the other children about what he or she saw (from the Primary manual).

Memorize: "all things were made by [Jesus Christ]" (John 1:3)

  • Play hopscotch with each square being a word from the scripture phrase

Coloring pages


  • I Can Be a Missionary Now game

  • Story: Jesus is Our Friend

  • Story: No Matter What

  • Build a castle out of blocks or plastic cups. Call it the Kingdom of God. Draw pictures of your family and people in your ward to tape onto the blocks or cups. Tell your children that the Kingdom of God needs more people to be a part of it, so we need to be missionaries to share the gospel. Draw pictures of non-member or less-active friends with whom your children can share the gospel. Role play (with the cups as people) how your children can invite them to come to Jesus Christ and learn about Him. Consider using the phrase "come and see" a few times. Use props for your role play, such as a Book of Mormon, a picture of Christ, and these cute pass along cards.

  • Go and do! Apply the doctrine and go invite.


  • To review the songs from the week, have each song title written on a paper and wadded up to be a "snowball". Have your children try to hit a target (maybe yourself!) with the snowballs. When one hits the target, sing that song.

  • Help your children get started on this Family History Fun sheet, then you can work on family history. When they finish all the questions, have them cut out the heads and tape to popsicle sticks to make puppets.

  • Try this Sunday Stations idea

  • Take a binder of the printouts to church as a Sacrament Meeting quiet book

  • Share testimonies

  • Call grandparents and have the kids share their favorite thing they did during the week

What was your favorite this week?

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