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Rejoice with Me; for I Have Found My Sheep Which Was Lost

Writer's picture: TaliaTalia

Updated: May 9, 2019

Week plan for May 6–12

Luke 12–17; John 11

Young children

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Background image from Church of Jesus Christ Media Library

Memorize: “I am the resurrection, and the life” (John 11:25)


Doctrine: We believe that Jesus is the Son of God. John 11:1–46

Scripture story

Coloring page

Activity Ideas

  • Let your children try to figure out the answer to this New Testament riddle. Use the scripture figures below as hints.

  • Play with these scripture figures.

  • Wrap a child in toilet paper and say, "Lazarus, come forth!"


Doctrine: We believe that Jesus is the Son of God. John 11:1–46

Scripture story

Coloring page

Activity Ideas

  • Read this retelling of Jesus raising Lazarus. Give each child a crayon to highlight every occurrence of the name "Jesus" and "Son of God."

  • Have your children switch off acting sick while the siblings care for, as well as fret and worry over him or her. Call each other by the names Mary, Martha, and Lazarus.

  • Stick googly eyes onto a plastic spoon and wrap the spoon in gauze. Use a plastic cup as Lazarus' tomb. (Idea from 123 Homeschool 4 Me)


Doctrine: Heavenly Father wants all of His children to return to Him. Luke 15

Scripture story

Coloring page

Activity Ideas

  • Act frantic about something valuable you have "lost." Enlist the help of your children to find it. Ask how they would feel if they lost something they cared about.

  • Hide a penny on the floor and have your children search for it with a broom and dustpan.

  • Play Hot and Cold with a lost sheep and the song Dear to the Heart of the Shepherd. One child leaves while the rest of you hide a sheep. Bring the child back in and adjust the volume of the song to be louder the closer he gets to finding the sheep.

  • Pretend to be sheep on all fours, with one shepherd. While the shepherd turns his back, one of the sheep should go hide and "baaa" until she is found by the shepherd.


Doctrine: Heavenly Father wants all of His children to return to Him. Luke 15

Scripture story

Coloring page

Activity Ideas


Doctrine: I can show my love for Heavenly Father by being grateful for my blessings. Luke 17:11–19

Scripture story

Coloring page

Activity Ideas

  • Wrap toilet paper around each other's extremities, as if covered in bandages for leprosy.

  • Make one of these paper crafts: 1, 2.

  • Put together this ten lepers jigsaw puzzle.

  • Write “I Am Grateful” on the top of a paper and help your children cut out pictures from magazines or draw things in their lives for which they are grateful.


Doctrine: I can show my love for Heavenly Father by being grateful for my blessings. Luke 17:11–19

Scripture story

Coloring page

Activity Ideas

  • Cover each other with red paper dots or stickers.

  • Draw faces on each of your child's ten fingernails or print these 10 lepers finger puppets from The Red Crystal. Put band-aids on both hands. Then hold up a picture of Christ so the fingers can be healed. Remove the band-aids and have your child hold up one finger to says "thank you" to Jesus.

  • Write each child's name vertically down a piece of paper. Help them think of something for which they are grateful that starts with each letter from their name. Hang the papers as a reminder for prayer. (Idea from Simply Family Home Evening)


  • I would seriously love to hear what your family does on Sunday to make the Sabbath a delight. We still haven't gotten into a groove because we are so exhausted after church that we pretty much veg until the kids fall asleep for a late nap, at which point my husband phones his family and I. . . think about all the delightful things I would do if I had energy. Help! (I love love love my calling as Primary Music Leader, but after the adrenaline rush of the Primary Circus comes a coma-inducing crash. Every single week.)

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