Week plan for June 17–23
Matthew 27; Mark 15; Luke 23; John 19
Young children
Memorize: "After three days, I will rise again." Matthew 27:63
Song of the Week: “Behold the Great Redeemer Die” Hymn 191
Pitch lead with your hand moving up or down as the notes get higher or lower.
Spell the difficult words and talk about their meaning.
Learn these simple actions. There is an entire lesson plan in the video you can use if desired.
Flip chart (search for the song title)
Doctrine: I can forgive others as Jesus did. Matthew 27:26–37; Luke 23:34
Scripture story
Watch: The Trials of Jesus, New Testament Stories
Coloring page
Color the "wheel of events" from the activity below.
Learn about the trials of Jesus with this paper wheel of events.
Read the story Can't We Be Friends?
Shape play dough into different Easter symbols (tomb, nail, palm leaf, cross, etc.)
Doctrine: I can forgive others as Jesus did. Matthew 27:26–37; Luke 23:34
Scripture story
Read: Jesus Forgave, The Friend
Coloring page
Color the "chain of events" from the activity below.
Read the story A Better Way.
Put together this paper chain of events showing what happened when Jesus died.
Watch this video from artist Patti Rokus about finding the perfect rock for her scene of the crucifixion.
Doctrine: Because Jesus suffered and died for me, I can repent and be forgiven. Luke 23:32–33, 39–43
Watch: Jesus Is Crucified, New Testament Stories
Coloring page
Watch The Shiny Bicycle.
Tape paper spots to yourself, each labeled with a bad choice. Let your child remove the spots as you talk about how to repent of each sin/spot through Christ. (Idea from here)
Put these paper dolls in a page protector and smear on chocolate sauce to show how sin makes our spirit dirty. Wipe off the chocolate as repentance.
Doctrine: Because Jesus suffered and died for me, I can repent and be forgiven. Luke 23:32–33, 39–43
Scripture story
Hold up a picture of the three crosses and share the story in Luke 23:32–33, 39–43 in your own words.
Cover your child's hands with mud (bad choices) and then wash them clean (repentance through Jesus Christ.)
Read Kelsey Makes a Mistake.
Pour bleach into red-dyed water to show that Christ can make us clean if we repent.
Do this jumping activity to show that we need our Savior to go to the Celestial Kingdom.
Doctrine: Because Jesus died for me, I can be resurrected. Matthew 27:11–66; Luke 23; John 19
Scripture story
Watch: Jesus Is Laid in a Tomb, Bible Video
Watch: Jesus Is Resurrected, Bible Video
Coloring page
Watch the video What Happens after We Die.
Use the glove analogy to teach about the Resurrection.
Help each child write and decorate their name on a slip of paper. Form a cross with the papers as a reminder of why the Savior hung on the cross. (Idea from Mercy River)
Doctrine: Because Jesus died for me, I can be resurrected. Matthew 27:11–66; Luke 23; John 19
Scripture story
Read Matthew 27:52-53 and find the words "after his resurrection." Whose resurrection?
Coloring page
Hide, and pop out on your child's count of three. Talk about Jesus being resurrected after three days.
Watch the Matt and Mandy video We Will Live Again.
Listen to the song "Because" by Shawna Edwards.
Family History
Talk about family members or ancestors who have died. Review what was learned this week about Jesus making it possible for us to see those people again.