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Behold, Thy King Cometh

Writer's picture: TaliaTalia

Week plan for May 20–26

Matthew 21–23; Mark 11; Luke 19–20; John 12

Young children

Background image from Gospel Media

Memorize during the week: "Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord" (Matthew 21:9)

Song of the Week: I Love to See the Temple


Doctrine: Heavenly Father and Jesus know me by name. Luke 19:1–10

Scripture story

Coloring page

  • Color the black and white versions of the Zacchaeus crafts (link below.)


  • Have one child stand on a chair holding a tree picture and searching for another child holding a picture of Jesus.

  • Make one of these two Zacchaeus crafts.

  • Look in a mirror and say "Heavenly Father and Jesus love [child's name]."

  • Sing "I Am a Child of God" and listen for things that help them know Heavenly Father loves them. (Idea from the Primary manual)


Doctrine: Heavenly Father and Jesus know me by name. Luke 19:1–10

Scripture story

Coloring page


  • Create a tree snack with pretzels and green grapes (picture here.) You could act out the story with teddy grahams.

  • Make a nameplate using pieces of nature (twigs, leaves, etc.) Write on the paper, "Heavenly Father and Jesus love _________."

  • Hold an empty picture frame around each child's face and talk about how Heavenly Father and Jesus know them.


Doctrine: Heavenly Father and Jesus know me by name. Luke 19:1–10

Coloring page


  • Climb a tree (or bunk bed, table, or countertop.) Role-play Jesus calling to Zacchaeus.

  • Lay a path of coats and/or leaves to role-play Christ's triumphal entry on a donkey (riding on someone's back.)

  • Do this name scramble activity.

  • Have each child put together a silly paper version of their face using this printable.


Doctrine: The temple is a sacred place. Matthew 21:12–14

Scripture story

Coloring page



Doctrine: The temple is a sacred place. Matthew 21:12–14

Scripture story

Coloring page


  • Cut and fold to build this little paper temple.

  • Give your children a future temple recommend and explain worthiness.

  • If you live near a temple, here is a Temple I-Spy sheet to take on a walk around the temple grounds.

  • Sing "I Love to See the Temple" looking at a temple picture through a toilet paper roll.


Doctrine: I can be obedient. Matthew 21:28–32

Scripture story

Coloring page


  • Run to the other side of the room after each one of the ten commandments is read.

  • Talk about family rules, holding up green paper for obeying and red paper for disobeying. You could use this page for ideas.

  • Tell stories of when you either obeyed or disobeyed as a child and what the consequences were. Invite them to share stories as well.


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