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A Minister and a Witness

Writer's picture: TaliaTalia

Updated: Aug 1, 2019

Week plan for July 29–August 4

Acts 22–28

Young children

Nikolai Bodarevsky, Wikipedia Commons

Memorize: "Be of good cheer." Acts 23:11

Or the longer version: "The Lord stood by him, and said, Be of good cheer." Acts 23:11

Song of the Week: Follow the Prophet (Children's Songbook, 110)

  • Follow a leader doing clapping patterns.

  • Make up your own folk dance for the song.

  • Draw some simple visual aids on a long paper rolled into a scroll.

  • Wear a paper mask for the prophet in each verse. Printable masks here and here.


Doctrine: Heavenly Father and Jesus care about me and will help me during hard times. Acts 23:10–11

Scripture story

Coloring page


  • Scroll through these GIFs to find out five ways Jesus can help you get through anything. Practice acting them out on each other.

  • Read the story Trouble in Adventure Forest.

  • Play hide and seek, with the hiding children pretending to be sad. Have the seeker cheer them up.


Doctrine: Heavenly Father and Jesus care about me and will help me during hard times. Acts 23:10–11

Scripture story

  • Use a closet as a prison cell for acting out the Lord comforting Paul.

Coloring page


  • Show pictures of a snake, ship, and jail (page 3) and talk about how if the Lord helped Paul through those trials, He will help each of us in our hard times.

  • Share an experience of when you have felt comforted by God during a trial.

  • Using markers, decorate plastic cups as people. Role-play the cups cheering up each other during hard times.


Doctrine: I can share my testimony with others. Acts 26:1–29

Scripture story

Coloring page



Doctrine: I can share my testimony with others. Acts 26:1–29

Scripture story

  • Act out Paul's testimony to the king in Acts 26:1–29. Explain that we can share our testimonies with others.

Coloring page


  • Bury some children's testimonies in the dirt for your children to find. Explain that we want to share our testimonies instead of hiding them.

  • Build this puzzle by having a family testimony meeting (a piece is added for each testimony shared).

  • Cut out people from a magazine and bare short testimonies to them.


Doctrine: Prophets warn me of danger. Acts 27

Scripture story

  • Use tupperware in the bathtub as a pretend boat to tell about Paul's forewarning of their shipwreck in Acts 27.

Coloring page


  • Print this storytelling picture strip to go over the scripture story.

  • Take turns standing on a chair, looking into a paper roll spyglass, and yelling "Danger ahead!" Explain how prophets warn us of danger.

  • Place obstacles around the house and then sing "Follow the Prophet". Form a line, with the person in front holding a picture of President Nelson and navigating the obstacles.


Doctrine: Prophets warn me of danger. Acts 27

Scripture story

  • Act out Paul's warning and the shipwreck in Acts 27 using a laundry basket as a boat, full of stuff you can throw overboard. Flip the lights and spray water for the storm.

Coloring page



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